
no | ポイント名 | 一言コメント |
1 | 富士山バギー受付 | ここで練習をして出発! |
2 | 溶岩でこぼこ道 | むき出しの溶岩の上を走る4駆ならではのコース! |
3 | 朝霧溶岩つづら折り | 朝霧溶岩をつづら折りで登る上級コース。 |
4 | 合戦ロケ地 | 様々なドラマ、映画の舞台にもなった平原!360度自然に囲まれたポイントで休憩と記念撮影を行います! |
5 | 枯れ沢コース | 富士山が生み出した川の跡地を走行! |
6 | 野焼き草原 | 年に一度野焼きを行います。秋になると一面ススキの草原が広がります! |
7 | 富士山ビューポイント | 富士山の裾野を端から端まで一望できる絶景スポット! |
8 | テクニカル林間コース | 主に2回目以降で挑戦するチャレンジコース!車幅ギリギリの木の間をくぐり抜ける! |
9 | 沢登りコース | 主に2回目以降で挑戦するチャレンジコース!枯れ沢を山に向かって走って行きます! |
10 | 溶岩丘コース | 溶岩の丘を登って下る迫力満点のコース!秋になると360度ススキが広がる絶景ポイント! |

No | points | comments |
1 | Fuji Buggy Reception | We practiced here and set off! |
2 | Bumpy lava road | This is a 4WD course over bare lava! |
3 | Asagiri Lava Fold | This is an advanced course that climbs up the Asagiri lava with a series of folds. |
4 | The Movie Battle location | The plains have been the setting for various dramas and movies! We will take a break and take a commemorative photo at a point surrounded by 360-degree nature! |
5 | Dried River Bed Area | This course runs along the site of a river created by Mt Fuji! |
6 | Controlled Grass Burning Field | Once a year, a field fire is held. In the fall, a field of silver grass spreads all over the area! |
7 | Mt. Fuji Super view point | A spectacular spot where you can see the whole base of Mt Fuji! |
8 | Forest Field Challenging Couse | This is a challenging course that is mainly attempted after the second time! Passing through trees that are just barely the width of a car! |
9 | Creek Climbing Course | This is a challenge course mainly for the second time or later! Drive through a dry stream toward the mountain! |
10 | Lava Flow Border Ridgeline pass | A powerful course that climbs up and down the lava hill! In autumn, this is a spectacular point with a 360-degree view of silver grass! |